tiistaina, elokuuta 23, 2005

Karttojen aikatauluista

BBCWorld antoi lisävalaistusta tähän Suomen kannalta kiinnostavaan kysymykseen.

Lorraine Twohill, Google: "It actually isn't that difficult to add other countries. We have the content already, it's just a question of when we're ready as a business and when we can actually make it a practical application.

We're obviously going to roll Local out to new markets. There's many components to Local; one major component is your partner in terms of listings. We're obviously talking to key partners in each country.

There's a lot of work around bringing Local and maps as a combined entity to a marketplace."

Local tarkoittaa kaupallista paikallispalveluiden karttalistausta, Google Local. Samalla kun Google ottaa valmistautumisaikaa itselleen, se antaa sitä myös karttasovellusten tekijöille.